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All of us know that AP EAMCET (Andhra pradesh Engineering, Agriculture & Medical Common Entrance Test) was conducted by the JNTUK (Jawaharlal Nehru Techolological University Kakinada), but once again I am saying it to give a complete information about AP EAMCET.
ap eamcet 2019,ap eamcet 2019 application form,ap eamcet 2019 exam date,ap eamcet 2019 date,ap eamcet notification,ap eamcet 2019 syllabus


The notification of the AP EAMCET is officially released on the Feb 20. As per notification the important dates are..,
  • Availability of application form - Feb 26
  • Application form correction - April 6 to 10
  • Release of Admit cards (Hall tickets) - April 16

Exam Dates 

  • For engineering - April 20 to 23
  • For Agriculture - April 23, 24
  • For Both - April 22 & 23

Exam Timings

Since the Exam is a conducted in the computer due to lack of the computers the exam is conducted twice in a day. The timings are
  • Slot 1 - 10AM to 1PM
  • Slot 2 - 2.30PM to 5.30PM


  • Candidate must be INDIAN Citizen.
  • Candidate should have 17 years age as per December 31
  • Candidate should complete his/her 10+2 or equivalent form the recognised board with any of the following  subjects Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology 
  • Candidate should belongs to the state of AP or TS with a valid Domicile certificate (like aadhar)
These are the basic Eligibilities to apply to the AP EAMCET.


The syllabus of the EAMCET is the topics which you have learned in the Intermediate or 10+2. But in the advanced level of the problem solving.
You may have seen in some websites that show the topic and marks but we don't provide those false information because it may change. so I will provide you the Old EAMCET question papers.

Previous Year Question Papers of AP EAMCET


JEE Main 2019 Details said…
Admissibility is evaluated on the basis of candidate’s age, nationality, qualifications, percentage, etc. To be able to appear in the TS and AP EAMCET 2019, check details of ts eamcet and ap eamcet 2019 click here
Mind_entrée said…
AP EAMCET 2019 exam result will be out on 27 May 2019, check the link for more information.